Hagai Rabinovitch
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hagai_Rabinovitch
Hagai graduated from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev with a B.A. in Psychology and Management, an M.A. in Vocational Psychology from the Academic Collage of Tel Aviv Yafo and a Ph.D in Psychology. Hagai is currently a postdoctoral student at Ben-Gurion University. His research focuses on Intuitive Judgment and Decision Making. Specifically, he studies people's statistical intuitions and their ability to overcome biases in selection processes – such as selection between candidates for positions, scholarships, etc. – caused by irrelevant attributes that affect the process. Such attributes can serve as suppressor variables, ergo, his research combines an understanding of intuitive judgments as well as statistical phenomena. Hagai is also interested in ways to enable people to overcome such biases and is currently studying the way people aggregate information in such situations using the Multiple Cue Learning paradigm.